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Making Your Quirks Work

As a child, people would always ask me about the dot in the middle of my cheek. I struggled with self esteem as I tried to work around a large mole on my face, but over time, I learned how to make it work. Believe it or not, my mole has actually become the focal point of my modeling career. Critics have said that it gives my look a little personality. It isn't always easy to feel beautiful, especially if something about you is different. I decided to create a beauty blog dedicated to helping others learn how to make their quirks work for them.


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Making Your Quirks Work

Got Blackheads? Don't Do These 4 Things

by Derek Little

Blackheads, or open comedones, are blocked pores that remain open to the air. Sebum accumulates in blocked pores, turning darker with time due to dirt and exposure to the air. If you're dealing with these unsightly blemishes, you probably want to get rid of them fast. However, there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it. If you really want to get rid of blackheads, see your dermatologist. In the meantime, avoid these four bad habits, some of which can actually make your blackheads worse. 

Don't Obsessively Pick

Never pick at or try to squeeze your blackheads. You may get some of the sebum to come out, but you also put yourself at risk for infection. You see, when you squeeze a blackhead, you can actually tear the lining of the pore, causing sebum to leak into the surrounding skin. Your body will react by forming a capsule of pus around the leakage, resulting in an inflamed pimple that may leave a scar. 

Don't Excessively Wash

You should cleanse your skin while being careful not to over-cleanse it. Cleanse your skin with a gentle scrub made for acne-riddled skin twice per day. If you cleanse it any more than that, you may end up stimulating more oil production in your skin, which can lead to even more blackheads. So you may end up seeing more blackheads for your efforts.

Don't Waste Money

A lot of drug store treatments make big promises, but not all of them deliver results. While there are some good products out there, you could end up spending a bunch of money trying different ones until you find a few that do an OK job. In the meantime, your skin will pay the price. Over-zealous product usage can lead to irritation, redness and more breakouts.

Don't Go It Alone

The best defense against blackouts is strict adherence to a regimen prescribed by a dermatologist. With a dermatologist's help, you can find the products that combat the particular issues that lead to your breakouts. Just because a product works for someone else, doesn't mean it will work for you. You need a personalized plan if you really want to get rid of stubborn blackheads.

There are several things that you should never do in your attempt to get rid of blackheads. Don't pick, obsessively wash or waste money. See your dermatologist to work on a plan to get your blackheads under control. Contact a professional such as Center Of Dermatology PC/Herschel E Stoller MD to learn more.
